Home > Confirmed Covid-19
Patients With Covid-19
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners guide for managing COVID 19 at home here. Other resources for managing COVID-19 at home are available here and here. National Coronavirus Helpline is 1300 020 080. Information from NSW health is available here. Information from HealthDirect is available here
Once you have symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, cold/runny nose, sore throat, headache, fever, shortness of breath, loss of tast or smell) you should get tested.
Other symptoms can include fatigue, blocked nose, muscle or joint pain, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, loss of appetitie, unexplained chest pain and conjuctivitis.
You can get either a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) to test yourself at home or do a PCR test at one of the local testing sites. The closest testing site to our clinic is at the sports grounds at Salamander Bay.
Be aware that the tests are not perfect. If you still feel unwell and your test is negative it is best to isolate and consider getting another test done the following day.
If you have a positive RAT, you do not need to do a PCR to confirm it.
Once you test positive, you can report this via the Service NSW App on a smartphone.
Self Isolation
Once you test positive for COVID-19 you can spread it to other people. You must self-isolate, even from others in your home. This can be difficult for families and carers, so each individual’s circumstances must be taken into effect. It is important to take extra care isolating from those who are at risk for severe COVID-19 including those with underlying health conditions and the elderly.
NSW health has information on how to isolate here.
GP Support
Most cases of COVID-19 can be managed at home. There is excellent advice from health direct and NSW health available.
If you are concerned about your symptoms, you can call our clinic on 4981 2555 to be triaged for consultation if needed.
Severe Symptoms
If you have severe symptoms, please call 000.
You must isolate for 7 days from onset of symptoms (or from date of testing if you have no symptoms). After the 7 days, if you have no symptoms you can leave isolation while wearing a mask for a further 7 days and avoiding “high risk settings” (which includes nursing homes etc.)
If you still have symptoms on day 6, you must do another test. You must remain in isolation until your symptoms are gone (usually by day 10-12).
If you have concerns that you are not improving you can call to be triaged by our staff on 4981 2555